Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Daur Ulang Kulit Jeruk

Daur Ulang Limbah Organik
(kulit jeruk)

Proses mendaur ulang sampah adalah salah satu proses menjaga kelestarian alam. Pada dasarnya sampah bukanlah limbah tetapi sumber daya bahan baku untuk proses daur ulang yang menghasilkan humus atau kompos. Terus berputarnya proses daur ulang sebenarnya menjadi tanggung jawab manusia di lingkungannya masing-masing. Sehingga sampah bisa menjadi tanggung jawab atau kesadaran kita untuk terus mendaur ulang demi keselamatan bumi.
Contohnya yaitu limbah kulit kentang dan kulit jeruk yang sebenarnya masih terpakai dan sering kali menjadi limbah tidak berguna dalam sampah rumah tangga.
Beberapa gagasan yang dapat kita terapkan yaitu :

  • Kulit Jeruk
    Pada dasarnya kulit jeruk dapat Kulit jeruk banyak bermanfaat bagi kehidupan kita misalnya:
    - Membersihkan noda pada pakaian
    - Pewangi natural
    - hiasan rumah seperti frame foto
      cara membuat: buat pola disekitar kulit jeruk lalu gunting dengan rapih kemudian siapkan kardus bekas gunting persegi panjang lalu siapkan lem untuk menempelkan pola kulit jeruk diatas kardus yang sudah berpola persegi panjang setelah itu beri hiasan cat air pada setiap kulit jeruk agar warnanya bervariasi.
    - kulit jeruk dipres diambil minyaknya dan bisa menjadi aroma
Dibandingkan harus dibuang setelah kita memakan buahnya, lebih baik menggali kreativitas atau ide untuk menciptakan kerajinan dari kulit jeruk. Selain dapat bermanfaat, proses daur ulang kulit jeruk ini juga bisa meningkatkan peluang nilai ekonomis dari kulit jeruk itu sendiri.

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Softskill (Bahasa Inggris)

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris

Topic : People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Answer : I think people choose a college with a variety of reasons one of them as a new experience, know ledge and career preparation as well as college play in importantas a means of looking for a better experience, add to the knowledge of all areas and the process of preparingustoa more competitive level of the competition find a jobbecause education is very influential with the work we can. For example we arechoosing a new experience of college will have more experience when compared to high school graduates. Increase knowledge was very instrumental in the importance ofchoosing college because of the insights we will be more because of the many friendsand professional lecturers. Career preparation is one that is very important because weare choosing colleges will be more clearly a better job than those who directly workwithout knowing the future prospects. So, choose a college is much better when compared directly to work without a lot of experience and knowledge of career preparation.

Topic : It has been said, 'Not everything that is learned is contained in books.' Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
Answer : I do not think anything can be learned from books. Because the most important is abridge just to experience the book we can be in learning new things. But remember, the best teachers were present in each of us the experience we've ever went through both positive and negative.
Knowledge we can from the book was good but sometimes we can not do the maximumand we apply in everyday life. whereas,
Knowledge we can from the experience that much easier to implement relation to daily living because we already know and feel what is good and the bad.