Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Puisi Past Progressive

Man thought he was civilizing,
When he was getting away from nature,
But nature has its way to remind,
How it can affect our future.
When man and nature lived together
There was nothing much to bother,
There occurred a complete harmony,
With all species existing as a family.
But soon man started moving away,
In his gusto of making a new way.
He made villages, towns and cities,
His progress paved the way to tragedies.
It started with hunting and cutting trees,
His next attack was fishes in seas,
Slowly it affected the delicate balance,
This was the starting of his nuisance.
His inventions affected the ozone layer,
The wild life also had its share,
Rains got scanty and pollution was everywhere,
The damage was getting beyond repair.
Species became extinct, forests bared,
Rivers were choked, but no one cared.
As minerals got depleted and there was petroleum lack,
Nature decided its time to fight back.
Carbon-di oxide increased and temperature rose,
Nature retaliated with floods and chaos.
Man threw products of natural hazards,
Nature turned lush forests to deserts.
Soon the fury of nature was seen in waves,
Tornados and Tsunamis gave no escape,
Volcanoes and storms, earthquakes and famines,
Nature used all to punish the scene.
Get up and see what you’ve done,
The home you damaged was your own one,
You also harmed the siblings living with you
But nature is a tough parent and you’ll get the due.
Those who don’t follow the rule of living together,
Have to forego the comfort and love of their Mother,
Nature created Dinosaurs, but now there are none,
For they had disobeyed- and now it seems your turn.

Modal Auxiliary Verbs

  1. WILL
    1. Berbicara tentang pekerjaan di masa depan,
      Contoh: I won’t (will not) be in the office until 11; I’ve got a meeting
    2. Membuat semi formal permintaan,
      Contoh: Will you open the window, please? It’s very hot in here.
  2. SHALL
    1. Untuk menawarkan sesuatu,
      Contoh: Shall I fetch you another glass of wine?
    2. Membuat kalimat saran,
      Contoh:  Shall we go to the cinema tonight?
  3. MAY & MIGHT
    1. Menggambarkan pekerjaan yang mungkin terjadi. Bedanya May lebih memungkinkan terjadi (50% chance); sedangkan might lebih meragukan (mungkin hanya 30% chance).
      Contoh: She may be back in her office: the lecture finished ten minutes ago.
    2. Menunjukkan persetujuan atau izin. Jadi biasa diterjemahkan dengan arti “boleh”.
      Contoh: You may go home now.
  4. WOULD
    1. Bentuk past dari will.
      Contoh: He said the next meeting would be in a month’s time.
    2. Permintaan tolong yang lebih halus dari “will”.
      Contoh: Would you like another cup of tea?
  5. CAN & COULD
    1. Berbicara tentang kemampuan.
      Contoh: Can you speak Mandarin? (present)
      She could play the piano when she was five.
    2. Membuat permintaan,
      Contoh: Can you give me a ring at about 10?
      Could you speak up a bit please?
      (slightly more formal, polite or ‘softer’)
    3. Permohonan izin,
      Contoh: Can I ask you a question?
      Could I ask you a personal question?
      (more formal, polite or indirect)
    4. Pilihan,
      Contoh:  If you want some help with your writing, you can come to classes, or you can get some 1:1 help.
  6. MUST
    1. Untuk menunjukkan sebuah kewajiban atau keharusan.
      Contoh: People must try to be more tolerant of each other.
    2. Sugesti/saran/ajakan yang kuat.
      Contoh: I think you really must make more of an effort.
    3. Menunjukkan arti “Pasti”.
      Contoh: This must be the place – there’s a white car parked outside (ini pasti tempat – ada mobil putih yang diparkir di luar). Jadi must di sini artinya bukan “harus”, tapi “pasti”.
    1. Memberi Saran.
      Contoh: I think you should go for the Alfa rather than the Audi.
    2. Kewajiban, tapi lebih lemah dari “must”.
      Contoh: The equipment should be inspected regularly. (Peralatan harus diperiksa secara rutin).
    3. Seharusnya, tapi ga terjadi.
      Contoh: I should have renewed my TV licence last month, but I forgot.
    Ought to punya makna yang sama dengan should, biasanya dipakai pada kalimat affirmative pada waktu present (saat ini).
    Contoh: You should/ought to get your hair cut.

Active Passive

Simple past
Active :
Vica closed the door
Passive :
The door was closed by vica

Present progressive
Active :
Novia is turning on the computer
Passive :
The computer is being turned on by novia

Present perfect
Active :
Mary has helped John
Passive :
John has been helped by mary

Simple present
Active :
Tom opens the door
Passive : The door is opened by Tom

Past progressive
Active :
Indra was watching television
Passive :
Television was being watched by indra

Past perfect
Active :
Abima had watched the movie
Passive :
The movie had been watched by abima

Simple future
Active :
I will give you a writing assignment in Japanese tomorrow
Passive :
You will be given a writing assignment in Japanese tomorrow

Be going to
Active :
The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week.
Passive: The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.

Future perfect
Active : He will have been meeting them.
Passive : They will have been being met by him.

Upcoming Vacation Plans

My name is Eva Astri Arwina, I'll tell you about my vacation plans. Me and my friends are planning to go to the campsite Sukamantri Ciapus bogor. Before, I was just thinking about learning, because I would be facing trial.
But, I changed my mind to take the decision to go with friends for a moment. Because, if I just studied and studied, it will make me be stressful. Immediately, I called my friend and asked him where we were going to go on this week.
So, my friend had the idea that we would go to to the campsite Sukamantri Ciapus bogor and I invite them to go together. I am also very pleased because, other friends came as well. So, we are planning our departure. There we will do activities that have been planned and that would be very enjoyable and we would camp for a day and a night. I prefer to go on vacation to the outdoors as such to the mountains and the beach. There we plan to do fun activities and make a fresh mind.